
—Learning Western Culture Bit by Bit





世界之大,无奇不有。生活中的奇闻异事,不可避免会在语言中得到反应。Harry ColIis 收集的14个美国英语成语,生动形象地反应了美国人生活中五花八门的奇人怪事,如若望文生义,容易造成误解,甚至贻笑大方。请看:

1.On ice(=set aside for future use)搁置,暂缓

We've been working on this sales report for some time now.I am kind of hungry. Let's put the report on ice a while and get something to eat.

Fine. I'd be happy to stop working on it and set it aside until we get some food.



2.shoot the breezn ( =chat informally)非正式聊天

Why don't you come over to my place? We can listen to some records and shoot the breeze.

That sounds OK to me. I'd like to relax listening to music and visit and chat informally until my folks get back from shopping.



3.bite the dust(=go down in defeat) 一败涂地

Andy did exceptionally well in all of the track events,but he bit the dust in the high jump competition. Much to the disappointment of his fans, he went down in defeat, losing to a competitor from the visiting team.


4.bend over backwards(=try very hard) 非常努力

When Joan first started teaching she was afraid that

she would have a lot of trouble getting used to the kids and to the faculty. Her fears turned out to be unfounded,since everybody bent over backwards to help her.Everyone tried very hard to help her feel comfortable and adjust to the school.



5.hit the hay(=go to bed) 上床睡觉

Listen, Kim. We've got to get an early start tomorrow.

We'll need all the rest we can get.What do you say we hit the hay now?

Agreed. Let's go to bed and get a good night's sleep. It's going to be a long day.




6.cough up(=give unwillingly) 勉强付款

Say, Greg. Did you finally get that computer that you wanted so much?

Not yet. It would have taken me forever to raise the money needed, but dad said he'd cough up the money I need since I'm going to be using the computer for my school work.

Maybe it was difficult for your dad to give you the money—but then, he knows that it's for a good cause.




7. jump the gun(=to be hasty) 迅速行动

Denise was planning on telling her grandparents that the doctor said she was going to have twins, but when her dad found out he jumped the gun and told them before Denise could say a word. He was so excited that he became hasty and revealed the news before Denise had a chance to tell them.


8.scratch someone's back(=return a favor) 还人情,投桃报李

Hey, Bea. I need some help stacking these boxes. Would you please give me a hand?

OK. And I need some help tidying up the house. How about your helping me out after that?

OK. If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

I know you don't like doing housework, but I'll help you with the boxes if you promise to return the favor.

No problem. I'll even do the windows.






9.hit the ceiIing(=become very angry)变得非常生气

Don's father hit the ceiling when he was informed that his son had been detained by the police for disorderly conduct. He became violently angry, since he had often warned his son not to keep company with that group of boys.


10.fork over(=hand over, give) 移交,支付

Hey, Dan. How come you're looking so sad?

It's nothing, really. I unexpectedly bumped into Ralph and he asked me to fork over the ten bucks I owed him.

Did he expect you to pay him back right then and there ?

Yes, he did. It was all the money I had, and I had to hand it over to him.





11.turn someone off(=disgust someone) 让某人反感

How was your date with Marty last night?

Well, it started off OK, but he really turned me off when we went for a snack after the movies.

Did he say or do something to annoy you?

Frankly, he disgusted me when he tried to talk with his mouth full.





12.go fⅠy a kite(=go away !) 滚开!

For the past three hours Jerry had been trying to convince Linda to go to the art exhibition with him. She had been refusing all along and finally in desperation she told him, "Go fly a kite!" Jerry didn't like to be told to go away in such a forceful manner. Nevertheless,he finally stopped trying to get Linda to attend the exhibition.

在过去的三个小时里,杰瑞一直试图说服琳达和他一起去看艺术展。琳达一直在拒绝,最后绝望地告诉他:“滚开!” 杰瑞不喜欢被人这样凶狠地叫他走开。尽管如此,他最终还是放弃了让琳达去看艺术展的努力。

13.kick the bucket(=die) 死亡

It's been said that the old man knew of a buried treasure, but he kicked the bucket before telling anyone where it was. If the treasure exists, the old man unfortunately took the secret of its location with him when he died.


14.raise a stink(=protest strongly) 强烈抗议

Listen! Don't try to use any of your sister' s clothes without asking her first. She's liable to raise a stink if she finds something missing.

She's borrowed some of my things before, and I've never said anything. I really doubt that she will protest very strongly.



声明:本文根据Harry CoIⅠis 著《101个美国英语成语》相关章节编译。如有侵权,联系删除。欢迎阅读!感谢关注!持续推送中。